Authentication Bypass in Nexus manager (version 3.37.3–02)

1 min readDec 26, 2022

How I found Improper access control in Sonatype nexus manager.

Hello Awesome Hackers, I hope you all doing well!

My name is SHARAN.K , an Indian Ethical hacker.

today I’m sharing a vulnerability that I found a while ago, which I believe is quite interesting and very simple.

But I’m not going to share the bug bounty program name & domain name ..etc, because I didn’t get permission to disclose it.

so let’s assume the target is

When I started hunting on the program, first I enumerated all the subdomains. And I checked each one by one.

I found one subdomain which was

I saw a sonatype nexus manager 3.37.3–02 login page.

I checked for default credentials


nothing worked…..

Suddenly opened google and searched for Sonatype nexus manager(specific version) exploit.

Then I get to know this was vulnerable to response manipulation while logging in.

I entered admin:admin and intercepted the request .

do intecept and response for this request

In the response I changed 403 forbidden to 200 OK

BOOM !!!

Successfully logged in as admin !!!

Best Regards,





I am a cybersecurity student in SRM university chennai.